Give Online


Give Online

Your Donation

Other Ways to Give

Weekly Offering

During our Sunday Service

We have space in our services to give in person. The leader of the service will announce it’s time to drop your offering at the front of church/

Online Donation

One Off Donations

To give as a one off, you can give online on the button below. It’s handy for one-off donations but we do get charged a fee.

Standing Order

Regular Giving

The best way to give regularly is via standing order. Download the form here and return it directly to your bank.

If you are a UK Taxpayer, then the Church can gain by you completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form (enclosed). The Church will claim and receive (from the Inland Revenue) 25p for every £1 that you donate – an extra 25%. Over a year, and taking the overall membership into account, this will increase our income substantially,.

Any 40% taxpayers will personally benefit too with the Inland Revenue adjusting your tax bands, thus reducing your tax liability.

Once you have signed up for this scheme, our finance manager will provide you with a unique identification number that you will use when making a donation.

Go Deeper

If you’ve been part of CLC for a while, you might want to know more about some of the church services we do throughout the year. Things like church membership, baptism, dedication, missional marketplace and others.